Solving Problem of 8 Queens using genetic algorithm in Clojure. حل مساله 8 وزیر توسط الگوریتم ژنتیک Source Code is on my Github : [] ; Written by Amin Razavi , Dec 2015 ; Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) (ns core (:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :only (abs) :as tower]) (:require [clojure.set :only (difference) :as Set]) (:gen-class)) ; Produce a Random Gene (defn init-gene [NumQueens GENE] (reduce #(assoc % %2 (rand-int NumQueens)) GENE (range (count GENE)))) ; [It's Optional] Placing two queens in the same place is not allowed (at least at the beginning!) (defn validate-chromosome [chromosome] (let [SetRange (set (range (count chromosome)))] (loop [distchrom (distinct chromosome)] (if (= (count distchrom) (count chromosome)) (vec (sort distchrom)) (recur (conj distchrom [(first (Set/difference SetRange (set (map first distchrom)))) (first (Set/difference SetRange (set (map second distchrom))))])))))) ; Initialize Genes in the Chromosome (defn init-chromosome [chromosome] (let [GENE (first chromosome) NUMQ (count chromosome)] (reduce #(assoc % %2 (init-gene NUMQ GENE)) chromosome (range (count chromosome))))) (defn codiagonal? [q1 q2] (if ( = (tower/abs (- (first q1 ) (first q2))) (tower/abs (- (second q1) (second q2)))) true false)) (defn cocolumn? [q1 q2] (if (= (first q1) (first q2)) true false)) (defn corow? [q1 q2] (if (= (second q1) (second q2)) true false)) (defn fitness [chromosome] (let [N (count chromosome)] (reduce + (for [i (range N) j (range N) :when (> j i)] (let [q1 (get chromosome i) q2 (get chromosome j)] (if (or (= q1 q2) (corow? q1 q2) (cocolumn? q1 q2) (codiagonal? q1 q2)) 1 0)))))) (defn update-fitness [chromosome] (let [fc (first chromosome)] (vector fc (fitness fc)))) (defn init-population [population] (let [RN (range (count population)) ipop (reduce #(update-in % [%2 0] init-chromosome) population RN)] (vec (sort-by #(second %) < (reduce #(update % %2 update-fitness) ipop RN))))) ; sequence of partial sum of Fitnesses (last number in the seq is sum of all fitnesses) (defn SumFit [population] (let [Fits (map second population)] (rest (reduce #(conj % (+ %2 (last %))) [0] Fits)))) ; Probability of selection is proportional to fitness (defn ChooseParent [population] (let [SFQ (reverse (SumFit population)) RND (rand-int (first SFQ))] (dec (count (take-while #(> % RND) SFQ))))) ; an Auxiliary function for selecting parents (defn AuxSelectParent [population] (let [P1 (ChooseParent population) P2 (ChooseParent population)] (if (= P1 P2) [P1 (ChooseParent population)] [P1 P2]))) ; n pairs of parents will be choosen (defn Select-Parents [population n] (repeatedly n #(AuxSelectParent population))) (defn Select-Mutants [population PopNum MutationRate] (if (zero? MutationRate) [(rand-int PopNum)] (vec (take MutationRate (repeatedly #(rand-int PopNum)))))) ; Mutate a chromosome (random gene & random value for coordinates) (defn mutate [chromosome] (let [genes (first chromosome) N (count genes) rndgene (rand-int N) rndcoordinates [(rand-int N) (rand-int N)] ] (update-fitness [(assoc genes rndgene rndcoordinates) 28]))) ; Cross-over two chromosomes (defn xover [chrom1 chrom2] (let [N (count chrom1) node (inc (rand-int N)) cnode (- N node) intercombine (concat (take node chrom1) (take-last cnode chrom2) (take-last cnode chrom1) (take node chrom2))] [[(vec (take N intercombine)) 0] [(vec (take-last N intercombine)) 0]])) ; generate children (defn Children [population Parents] (reduce into [] (pmap #(xover (get-in population [(first %) 0]) (get-in population [(second %) 0])) Parents))) ; Produce New (Crossover) Children + Old Population (defn New-Population [population XoverRate] (into population (pmap update-fitness (Children population (Select-Parents population XoverRate))))) ; Apply Mutation Operator on the New Populatuion (defn Mutate-Population [population PopNum MutationRate] (vec (sort-by #(second %) < (reduce #(update % %2 mutate) population (Select-Mutants population PopNum MutationRate))))) ; if the boolean "dynamic" is true => population will grow with XOVER-RATE ; if the boolean "dynamic" is false => population will remain CTEPOP (defn Generation [population PopNum XoverRate MutationRate dynamic CTEPOP] (let [mutedpop (Mutate-Population (New-Population population XoverRate) PopNum MutationRate)] (if (true? dynamic) mutedpop (vec (take CTEPOP mutedpop))))) ; MAIN LOOP (defn -main [& args] (if (empty? args) (print "Wrong Input arguments! \n USAGE : 'Number of Queens' 'Number of Chromosomes' 'Crossover-Rate[0.0-1.0]' 'Mutation Rate[0.02-0.1]'") (let [[NUM-QUEENS NUM-CHROMOSOMES XOVER-RATE MUTATION-RATE] args XR (* XOVER-RATE NUM-CHROMOSOMES) MR (* MUTATION-RATE NUM-CHROMOSOMES) MAXFIT (/ (* NUM-QUEENS (dec NUM-QUEENS)) 2) GENE [0 0] ; Gene = Position Coordinates of each queen on the board CHROMOSOME (vec (repeatedly NUM-QUEENS #(vec GENE))) ; Chromosome = Board Configuration = Positions of Queens on the Board POPULATION (vec (repeatedly NUM-CHROMOSOMES #(vec [CHROMOSOME MAXFIT])))] (time (loop [i 1 NewPop (Generation (init-population POPULATION) NUM-CHROMOSOMES XR MUTATION-RATE false NUM-CHROMOSOMES)] (if (zero? (second (first NewPop))) (print "GOT IT! at" i "th iteration:" (first (first NewPop)) "population=" (count NewPop) "\n\t=>") (if (apply = (map first (take 5 NewPop))) (print "LOCAL MIN! at" i "th iteration, fitness value=" (second (first NewPop)) "population=" (count NewPop) "\n\t=>") (if (> i 500) (print "TIMEOUT! fitness value=" (second (first NewPop)) "population=" (count NewPop) "\n\t=>") (recur (inc i) (Generation NewPop NUM-CHROMOSOMES XR MR false NUM-CHROMOSOMES)))))))))) ; Functional Version of Main ; (first (filter #(zero? (second (first %))) (iterate #(Generation % 0.2 0.2 false 10) (init-population p))))